Introduction to Face Primer

Makeup primer for the face is a product that is easily avoided by many women because primer is consider an ‘extra’ makeup product and they think there’s no effect on their makeup look or they just don’t really need it. Therefore, most woman choose to not buy them and not to invest their hard earn money on a primer that doesn’t have much ‘impact’ on their makeup game.

What does Face Primer do?

Using primer will make your makeup last longer and even create a smooth base for makeup. If you still think it is not worth the investment to purchase a tube of makeup primer, Mica Beauty makeup experts are going to share their knowledge and tell you the importance of makeup primer while using Mica Beauty’s Perfecting Makeup Primer as an example.

Makeup primer is the base for foundation or BB Cream and allows the product to glide on smoother and long lasting. Primer formulas are in cream, powder and gel. While moisturisers help to soften the skin, primers make the foundation or BB Cream to hold onto it, so it lasts all day long. In addition, primers also smooth any wrinkles, fine lines and large pores, for a perfect smooth canvas for the makeup to apply on smoothly. Mica Beauty’s Perfecting Makeup Primer also acts a protective layer on the skin to prevent any bacteria, dirt, dust and even UV lights penetrating in the skin to cause sun damage (sun spots) or create blackheads and pimples.

Primers is best to apply with cleaned fingertips on the face with a small amount of product, this is because the product will be absorbed into the skin effectively and it will give a natural finish. While applying primer onto the skin, massage the product with circular motions with your middle and ring fingers. With this action, it helps for blood circulation under the skin. Primer also helps in controlling the sebum on your skin, prevent your makeup to dissolve away too quickly.

Face primer helps your makeup to stay on no matter the weather outside. Despite the hot and humid or cold and dry climate, Mica Beauty experts recommend you to wear primer at any type of weather, as it helps your makeup to prolonged and it does not disintegrate or melt away with your sweat. Lastly, primer can be worn on its own too! Want to achieve the no makeup look, primer is versatile and be worn as an eye shadow and as light foundation with its slight tint on the face, and you still look put together. Check out Perfecting Makeup Primer on Mica Beauty's Official website Online! 

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